double the stitches

Learn to fix your own knitting mistakes!

It's life-changing.

Take your knitting to the next level & save your time (and your sanity) when you join me for the LIVE OOPS! Fix Your Mistakes Mini-Workshop!

You'll feel empowered to challenge yourself & take on more complex projects when you learn to fix your own knitting whoopsies.

Save your time (and your sanity) .

Take your knitting to the next level.

Take your knitting to the next level.

Save your time (and your sanity).

Join me for the LIVE

"OOPS! Fix Your Mistakes" Workshop!

You'll feel empowered to dive into more complex projects

when you learn to fix your own knitting oopsies.

The workshop starts in just ...

Join me for the LIVE

"OOPS! Fix Your Mistakes"


You'll feel empowered to dive into more complex projects when you learn to fix your own knitting oopsies.

What if you didn't have to spend hours undoing your knitting or taking it all apart?

How amazing would it be to keep
moving forward on your project?

I'll show you step-by-step, how to do it easily ... even if you are many rows past a mistake in your knitting!

Learn the techniques I use to correct my own knitting mistakes as an instructor and designer.

Hi , I'm Jessica!

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

I'll show you how to fix the most common mistakes we ALL make when knitting so you can spend more time enjoying your knitting, and less time frogging your work!

Learning these skills is the thing that made the biggest difference for me personally in advancing my own knitting abilities.

You'll learn how to read your stitches … so you can easily find where you are in a pattern, and how to fix those pesky mistakes so you can get back on track (even when there are distractions).

Imagine finally getting past all those things that hold you back from enjoying your knitting time!

It's so empowering ... and I can’t wait to teach you how. 💪🏼

During the class you will have the option to deliberately make mistakes, and then learn to fix them yourself.

I'm hosting a LIVE Workshop

"OOPS! Fix Your Knitting Mistakes"

In just 90 minutes ...

I will teach you the skills you need to keep from tearing out your hair, putting your project in time out for days or even years.

Stop spending hours

undoing your work!

Workshop Date:

Saturday, March 18th

at 1 PM ET/ 12 PM CT/11 AM MT/

10 AM PT/ 6 PM UK

You need these essential skills whether

you've been knitting for 6 months or 60 years!

Join us for the live workshop, and get lifetime replay access

to rescue you when you're stuck.

You'll learn how to ...

Read your knitting ...

✔ recognize stitch orientation

✔ recognize stitches within patterns

Fix simple mistakes ...

✔ switch knits and purls to correct errors in patterning

✔ pick up dropped stitches

Fix complex mistakes ...

✔ missing & accidental yarn overs

✔ change incorrect decreases


What are Lifelines?

✔ why they are "sanity savers"

✔ 2 different ways to use them!


"I've done a lot of classes, retreats etc. but I truly feel that

Jessica has done more to improve my knitting than anything else.

Jessica has been such a blessing."

— Frances

"Jessica has helped me immensely and in such a timely fashion.

She goes above and beyond.."

— Shari

"This has been awesome, you're a natural born teacher.”

— Magda

"I've done a lot of classes, retreats etc. but I truly feel that Jessica has done more to improve my knitting than anything else.

Jessica, you've been such a blessing."

— Frances


Just $49

Join me for
The "OOPS!" Workshop,
and learn how to fix the most common mistakes

we ALL make when knitting.


Saturday, March 18th

at 1 PM ET/ 12 PM CT/11 AM MT/

10 AM PT/ 6 PM UK

You get lifetime replay access

to rescue you when you're stuck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I access the lessons?

We will meet live on Zoom on Saturday, March 18th at 1 PM ET
(That's 12 PM CT, 11 AM MT, 10 AM PT).

What if I can't attend live?

The live sessions will be recorded. You will have access to a full recording within 48 hours.

Later, the recordings will be available broken down into short actionable lessons so you can watch what you need, when you need it, on demand. I will make it easy for you to learn at your own pace, find exactly the information you need, and watch & re-watch as often as you like if you want to review or get stuck.

This recording may be made available to purchase after they have taken place.

What should I bring with me to the workshop?

The workshop will be held online on Zoom, and you'll need is a computer or tablet, an internet connection, and a quiet space to watch.

I will share instructions for knitting some swatches you can use to practice, either while the workshop is live or later at your own pace.

Learn how to knit fix your own knitting mistakes from your comfy spot in your comfy clothes.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital delivery and instant access provided, there are no refunds for workshops.

How long is the workshop?

The live workshop will be approximately 60 - 90 minutes, including time for Q&A.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for you if ...

• you have ever made a mistake, and had to undo hours of work.

• you have put a project in time out because you didn't know how to fix a mistake in following a stitch pattern, dropped stitch, missed a yarn over, accidentally made a yarn over

• you want to become a better knitter and be empowered to fix your own mistakes!

Who is this workshop not for?

If you are not a knitter ... and have no desire to learn to knit ... this workshop is not for you.

What if I have a question not answered here?

If you have a question, please reach out to support at

© Copyright 2023 Jessica Ays | Double the Stitches